Identifying risks ahead of time is crucial for the success of your projects as it allows you to prepare accordingly.
JustDo has an extension that will allow you to record your risks, plan for if and when they will actually materialize and track it all at the individual risk as well as at any upper level.
Once this extension is enabled the below options will be available within your JustDo:
- Risk/Issue tab will be added to the task pane
- Risks/Issues tab will be added to the lower pane
- Risk/Issue column
- "Risk" and "Issue" values to the "Types" column
Creating a risk
Risks can be identified upon project initiation or during the any stage in the project life therefore a risk can be created in JustDo at any point in time. Furthermore, a risk can be associated with any task, stage, milestone or project and therefore any task, under any other task, can be defined as a risk.
Defining a task as a risk can be done in two ways: using the Risk/Issue column or using the Risks/Issues tab of the task pane.
The time and date when the task was created shows up on the Risks/Issues tab as "Created At".
W hen a task is defined as a risk, a blue dot will be shown on the Risks/Issues tab of the task pane and the value "Risk" will be in the "types" column.
There are additional risk-specific fields you can now update:
Priority - calculated based on a "Likelihood'" and "Impact" combination. The table of calculations can be viewed by clicking the "Priority table" link. Determining the likelihood and impact is done by clicking on the bars and selecting the value: high, medium or low.
Mitigation plan - here you can describe your plan to prevent this risk from happening.
Contingency plan - here you can describe your plan to handle this is case it does happen.
Creating an issue
An issue is a risk that actually happened. If a risk was created already you can indicate it was triggered and this will mark it as an issue and the tab will be marked with a red dot and the value "Issue" will be presented in the "Types" column.
Alternatively you can change the value in the "Risk/Issue" column to "Issue".
Managing your risks and issues
As Risks and Issues are tasks as all other tasks, you can assign them to the appropriate owner, upload files, track their progress and even create sub tasks in which you can define specific actions that need to be taken in order to mitigate the risk.
Projects or stages in a project may have multiple risks and issues associated with them, in order to allow for easy monitoring of all the risks as needed, when selecting an upper level task, its risks/issues tab will show a list of all the risks and issues in its sub-tree.
Also, you can view and monitor risks and issues cross multiple projects using the Risks/Issues tab of the lower pane.
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