Many projects or portions of projects are similar or have similar stages, or you may need to create templates for very common set of activities. For these cases, JustDo has the "copy task" function.
This extension is enabled by default, and once enabled the copy task icon would appear on the top bar.
Select the task you would like to copy and click the icon. In the pop-up you can define which of the tasks in the sub-tree to copy, where to and which data.
- Create a copy of - you can select which of the tasks in the sub-tree to copy
- Just the task itself
- The task and its direct sub-tasks (default)
- The task and its entire sub-tree
- Target JustDo - the JustDo to which the copied task(s) will be copied to. The default is the current JustDo yet you can select any other JustDo in the same installation that you have the permissions for.
- Destination - select the destination in the JustDo for the new copied task(s)
- As a sibling to current task - the default, will be added at the same level if the original task, under the same parent if there is.
- Select a root task and the copied task would be added under it
- Select a project task and the copied task would be added under it
- Select fields to copy - shows the fields of the tasks that their values will copied to the new task(s).
In order to change the selection, click the "edit fields" link and check the fields you want to copy, and uncheck those you do not wish to copy.
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