All stakeholders who are part of the JustDo can view and manage all the projects in JustDo.
However, sometimes you would need to print or export the data in order to present it to others, or manipulate it further in Excel, upload it to an external platform etc.
In JustDo, all these options are available when clicking the printer icon on the topbar.
Print JustDo
Print/export tasks of the current view.
Entire JustDo - will print/export all the tasks of this view, disregarding filters and expand/collapse selections that are currently active.
Visible Tasks - will print/export only the tasks that are shown in the view - taking into account any filters you have active, and including only tasks that are visible on screen based on the collapse/expand settings.
Print current task
The menu options for the current task appear only when there is a task selected.
All Child Tasks - will print/export the selected task and all of its child tasks, disregarding filters and expand/collapse selections that are currently active.
Visible Child Tasks - will print/export the selected task and only the tasks that are shown on screen - taking into account any filters you have active, and including only tasks that are visible on screen based on the collapse/expand settings.
Download as PNG
The first 4 options described above are for printing and exporting the data without the graphics, if you would like to include the graphics, please use the "Download as PNG" option.
Please note that the entire grid (exactly as it appears on screen) is included in a single PNG without splitting it into pages. This is done so you could crop and split the image in anyway you want it to be, having full control on how the data is presented.
JustDo time tracker
This option is only available when the time tracker extension in turned on.
For more details please refer to How to Plan and Track working hours?
Print and export options in the preview
Once you use one of the options under "Print JustDo" or "Print Current task", a preview of the data that will be printed/exported will show on screen, with a toolbar of options at the bottom of the screen.
Print - Clicking the printer icon will open the printer control screen from which you can print or save as a PDF.
Export - Clicking the download icon will export the data to a csv file
Controlling the columns - By default, the columns that are included in the print/export are those which are part of the grid view. By clicking the settings button you can change that.
You can select which columns will be printed/exported by ticking or unticking their checkboxes.
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